Academic Year 2025-2026
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Last Name
Mobile Phone
Contoh : 879xxxx0012
City / Regency
School Name
College Majors |
Programs of Study
* Pastikan email anda aktif dan benar
* Make sure your email is active and correct
* Mohon cek inbox email jika telah melakukan submit pendaftaran
* Please check your email inbox if you have submitted the registration
* Jika tidak terima email dari system, harap cek pada folder spam inbox anda
* If you do not receive an email from the system, please check your inbox spam folder
* Email yang anda daftarkan akan menjadi informasi kontak pada kami dalam pemberitahuan informasi lebih lanjut
* The email that you registered will be our contact information in the further information notification
* For Program Extension Universitas Bung Hatta - Podomoro University.